Who should join

  • The mix of basic valuation techniques & applications provided in this seminar will appeal to a widely diverse audience.
  • Equity research analysts, who are interested in examining alternatives to the multiples that they use or the linkage to discounted cash flow models.
  • PE/VC/Angel Investors looking to invest in corporate or startups
  • Corporate financial officers, who want to understand the details of valuation, either because they are planning acquisitions or are interested in value enhancement strategies for their firms.
  • Investment Bankers/Analysts involved in mergers and acquisitions, who would like to acquire a wider repertoire of valuation skills.
  • Portfolio Managers who are interested in the effects of corporate restructuring on firm value, and the implications for portfolio management.
  • Students interested in valuation

Why You Should Join

Estimate the effect on value of restructuring a firm
Value “problem” firms, such as financially troubled firms and start – up firms.
Analyze and critique the use of multiples in valuation
Value a firm using multiples and comparable firms
Case studies include valuation of Tech Companies like UBER, Amazon and Google
Value any kind of firm in any market, using discounted cash flow models (small and large, private and public)


  • Day 1

    2023 November 14

  • Day 2

    2023 November 15

  • Day 3

    2023 November 16

  • Day 4

    2023 November 17


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